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Edouard Manet(1840~1926)

Manet was born on January 23, 1832 in Paris. He is often identified with the "Impressionists," and was influenced by them. However, because of the Paris art world's generally hostile regard for "Impressionism," he chose not to exhibit with them. He preferred to show his work in the more conservative exhibitions sponsored by the French government.

Manet learned to paint in the traditional style, but his work became more spontaneous after his exposure to Claude Monet and the other "Impressionists." He used expressive outline, severe lighting contrasts, bold color and rich texture to portray the world around him.

Manet scandalized the people of Paris with a number of works containing nudes painted in bold poses with direct, outward gazes. While it was popular during his time to paint scenes from the Bible and ancient history, Manet painted scenes from 19th Century history, including one work featuring the execution of Emperor Maximillian of Mexico in 1867.

Key words: painter impressionists

    克劳德·莫奈是印象派最具代表性的大画家。19 世纪末到20 世纪初流行于欧洲各国的印象派,注重人对生活的感觉和印象,主张到大自然中,尊重自然和人的感觉印象,影响力极为深远。


    我们欣赏莫奈的油画连作“麦草堆”、 “白杨木”、 “浮翁大教堂”等,最能看出这种特征。他对同一主题反复在一天中的不同时间写生描绘,画出不同的光景与气氛,显出光与色的高明度及鲜明感,交织成光与色彩的华丽交响乐,创作了印象派的颠峰之作。


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