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4000-910-628您的位置:行思教育 > ACT > ACT英语> ACT写作常见问题:缺乏细节





1. 什么是细节?


2. ACT写作评分标准对细节的要求是什么?

“Development of ideas is specific. Most ideas are fully elaborated.”虽然短短一句话,但是表明了评分标准对细节的重视程度。现在我们以ACT官方指南上的一个题目为例:

“Should high schools adopt dress codes for students?”(高中是否应该有着装规范?)很多同学拿到这道题都能够迅速的确定立场和理由,下面以学生作文练习中一段为例:

“Dress codes can contribute to healthy school atmosphere. It is common for people to notice that an increasing number of high school students wear inappropriate clothes in schools. Such kinds of clothes severely distract students from learning. With the common practice of uniforms, one kind of dress codes, school can create a better environment for students.”

    这段存在的问题大部分同学都会有,就是缺乏具体的细节。其中提到了“inappropriate clothing”(不当着装) 这个概念及产生的不好影响。但是却并没有指出到底什么样的衣服是不当着装,高中最常出现的不当着装有哪些,因而缺乏足够的说服力。如何才能做到细节够具体呢?以ACT官方指南满分范文其中一段为例:

“Allowing students to wear whatever they want is clearly not working. Too many teens today seek to emulate rock stars and pick up fashion tips from MTV. In a culture that is inundated with sexual inuendo or worse, it is not surprising that kids show up at school in suggestive clothing. The educators are right. Short skirts and spandex tops can be extremely distracting to a population group driven largely by hormones. Establishing a dress code could help improve the learning environment in the school.”

    这一段同样是在写不当着装,但是却具体很多。比如文中具体提到了校园中不当着装的一种—suggestive clothing(暴露的着装),甚至具体的衣服类型--- short skirts(超短裙),spandex tops (露脐上衣)。

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